bite-size / ˈbaɪtˌsaɪz /


bite-size 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. small enough to fit in the mouth or be consumed in one or two bites: bite-size candies.
  2. very small.
  3. quickly or easily comprehended, resolved, etc.: bite-size problems.


  1. Leapolitan responded by saying, “hopefully youll [sic] bite into a poison apple.”
  2. Families stuff a life-size male doll with memories of the outgoing year and dress him in their clothing.
  3. In 2013, with a similar-size budget but more detainees, the cost worked out to about $2.7 million per detainee.
  4. One bite too many, and I could look down and practically see my thighs expanding before my eyes.
  5. Then make it clear that there will be no bailouts, not that there will be bailouts up to this or that size.
  6. Truth is a torch, but one of enormous size; so that we slink past it in rather a blinking fashion for fear it should burn us.
  7. But just wishing never made anyone larger or taller, not even a pig, and Squinty stayed the same size.
  8. The great park which surrounded it was one of the most celebrated in all England, celebrated alike for its size and its beauty.
  9. Woe to the man that first did teach the cursed steel to bite in his own flesh, and make way to the living spirit.
  10. All were of small size, and in good part devoted to spirited political discussion.