bisexual / baɪˈsɛk ʃu əl /


bisexual2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. noting or relating to a person who is sexually or romantically attracted to people of two or more genders.
  2. Biology. of both biological sexes.combining male and female organs in one individual.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Sometimes Offensive. a person who is sexually or romantically attracted to people of two or more genders.
  2. Biology. an animal or plant that has the reproductive organs of both biological sexes.

bisexual 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

having relations with either gender


  1. “They will never change and neither their punishments for same-sex relationships … we have to go back to hiding,” says Yousuf, a 21-year old bisexual man from Mazar-i-Sharif in a text message to me on WhatsApp.
  2. The one thing they did learn about Kate Brown, over and over again, is that she is a self-described bisexual.
  3. She’s also enthusiastically bisexual, collecting love interests faster than her mom collects designer outfits.
  4. She never talks about being bisexual, doesn’t discuss her coming out story — even if you ask her — and I defy anyone to find me a recent time in which she’s discussed being part of this community.
  5. Nonbinary people also can identify as bisexual if they are attracted to male, female or nonbinary people as well.
  6. The new Secret Six continues that tradition establishing Catman as bisexual.
  7. Why is it important to have a bisexual character in a comic book?
  8. It is true that gay and bisexual men are far more likely to transmit HIV than other population groups.
  9. Bisexual people, too, tend to be particularly closeted both at home and in the office.
  10. I liked the idea of being bisexual and then met a girl who had a bit of lesbian experience and got together within a few months.
  11. Each worm is bisexual or hermaphrodite, on which account they multiply with great rapidity.
  12. The whole pantheism of the Vedanta is contained in the symbol of the bisexual deity Ardhanari.
  13. Alismace—Aquatic plants with radical net-veined leaves, and (generally) conspicuous, white, bisexual flowers.
  14. Polygonace—Herbs with sheathing stipules, alternate leaves, and small (generally) bisexual flowers.
  15. Chenopodiace—Herbs with jointed stems and small unisexual or bisexual flowers.