birthnight / ˈbɜrθˌnaɪt /


birthnight 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the night of a person's birth, especially a birthday celebration for royalty.
  2. the anniversary of such a date.
  3. the celebration of a royal birthday.


  1. It was night at Boston, the birthnight of one of the leading events in the history of the world.
  2. How gladly would I have recompensed the forester who lit up a brake on my birthnight, which else had warmed him half the winter!
  3. He had been unexpectedly startled on Ruth's birthnight by a vague something in Kemp's eyes.
  4. This was my first entrance into fashionable life at one of Madame Bodisco's birthnight balls.
  5. Her high-mettled prancing at the last birthnight ball nearly set the room in a roar.