birken / ˈbɜr kən; Scots ˈbɪr kən /


birken 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

Scot. and North England.

  1. birchen; birch.


  1. Long before the buildings of Kinton's institute came into view, they received a radio message about Birken.
  2. Seeing that no one ran after him, Birken slowed his pace, but kept walking toward the ship.
  3. By the time his passengers had alighted, however, Birken had drawn level with them, about fifty feet away.
  4. Kinton had stepped forward six or eight paces, irritated despite his anxiety at the way Birken persisted in drifting before him.
  5. He decided that Birken had not come close enough for that, and wondered if he was afraid of his own impending action.