bipartite / baɪˈpɑr taɪt /


bipartite 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. divided into or consisting of two parts.
  2. Law. being in two corresponding parts: a bipartite contract.
  3. shared by two; joint: a bipartite pact; bipartite rule.
  4. Botany. divided into two parts nearly to the base, as a leaf.

bipartite 近义词


等同于 two


  1. A red or a bipartite Umbrella or Parasol is the invariable sign of the umbrella-maker.
  2. In geometry, a bipartite curve consists of two distinct branches (see Parabola, figs. 3, 5).
  3. The style, which varies much in length, is simple, with an undivided or bilobed or bipartite stigma.
  4. The species with distinctly bipartite and radiated fronds are Ad.
  5. Bipartite, bi′part-īt, or bī-prt′īt, adj. divided into two like parts.