biotic / baɪˈɒt ɪk /


biotic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. pertaining to life.

biotic 近义词


等同于 organic


  1. When you do, she decides to drop the “tough biotic b----” act and finally be emotionally vulnerable with another human being.
  2. This other doubt is a passionate doubt, it is the eternal conflict between reason and feeling, science and life, logic and biotic.
  3. These contact zones are, in a special sense, the province of geography in both its physical and its biotic aspects.
  4. Each of these has varying combinations of physical and biotic factors that are important in the ecology of amphibians.
  5. The last is like that described for the Tamaulipan Biotic Province.
  6. Within these zones certain ecologic communities can be recognized; these represent several biotic provinces.