bindweed / ˈbaɪndˌwid /


bindweed 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of various twining or vinelike plants, especially certain species of the genera Convolvulus and Calystegia.


  1. It belongs to the Convolvulus or Bindweed order, but is entirely different from the rest of the family.
  2. Both kinds of bindweed, however, are mischievous weeds; the large kind you may find in flower as late as September.
  3. They are as much out of place near you as a bed of bindweed would be in the neighbourhood of a passion-flower.
  4. Signa heard "beautiful things" as he sat in the rising moonlight, with the bells of the little bindweed white about his feet.
  5. "It's quite romantic," said Belle, sitting down on a spar, and twisting some pink bindweed round her hat.