billiard / ˈbɪl yərd /


billiard2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or used in billiards.
n. 名词 noun


  1. His lordship retired shortly to his study, Hetton and Mr. Haggard betook themselves to the billiard-room.
  2. When his lordship retired early, as was his custom, the other men adjourned once more to the billiard-room.
  3. Longcluse had made up his mind promptly on the night of the billiard-match played in the Saloon Tavern.
  4. The improvement has come at last, and these streets are now almost of a billiard-table smoothness.
  5. Its water in a general way moves as does a billiard ball when it flies from one cushion to another.