bilingualism / baɪˈlɪŋ gwəˌlɪz əm or, Canadian, -ˈlɪŋ gyu ə- /


bilingualism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the ability to speak two languages fluently.
  2. the habitual use of two languages.
  3. Canadian. a government-supported program encouraging all citizens to acquire a knowledge of both English and French.


  1. The truth behind the “bilingual advantage”On the surface, studies such as this seem to support the idea that bilingualism carries non-communication benefits.
  2. Rather than just pitting bilinguals against monolinguals, the researchers examined differences in one aspect of bilingualism.
  3. Bilingualism must thus be considered as a solution of the language question in Belgium in the fifteenth century.
  4. Instead of threatening national unity, bilingualism was its necessary condition.
  5. However, they were not so far removed from one another as to make bilingualism difficult.
  6. There was considerable bilingualism among the population of the Fort Hall plains.
  7. Associated words: bilingual, diglot, bilingualism, bilinguist.