bilharzia / bɪlˈhɑr zi ə /


bilharzia 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. Bilharzia, especially in Egypt and South Africa, causes haematuria.
  2. In the same year the Schistosomum hematobium was shown to be the cause of the Bilharzia disease by Bilharz.
  3. Bilharzia, bil′hr-zi-a, n. a human parasitic flat worm in the fluke or Trematode order, with differentiated sexes.
  4. What do the Wa-kamba know of sanitation, hæmaturia, and the larva of Bilharzia!
  5. The larv of Bilharzia closely resemble those of Fasciola hepatica, which latter may be appropriately noticed in this place.