bilberry / ˈbɪlˌbɛr i, -bə ri /


bilberry 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural bil·ber·ries.

  1. the fruit of several shrubby species of the genus Vaccinium.


  1. The Bilberry is a common British shrub found on all mossy heaths, and very pretty both in flower and in fruit.
  2. They landed on swampy ground, and made their way over rare beautiful mosses, ling, and low growth of bilberry and cloudberry.
  3. We were coming within a mile of the Bilberry embankment, when we began to observe a new class of phenomena.
  4. It was eight minutes to eleven as we slid past the lodge and on to the Bilberry road.
  5. It closed with a verse of original poetry, and Bilberry began to feel sure that a great poet was to arise in its midst.