bigly / ˈbɪg li /


bigly2 个定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. in a big way; greatly: Their gifts made the children smile bigly.Aaron was tall for his age, and bigly built.
  2. strongly; with violent force: Waves pounded bigly against our starboard side.
  3. boastfully; haughtily: She pronounces her opinions bigly, as if they are divine mandates.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. pleasantly habitable: a settlement of modest but bigly homes.


  1. The painting was simply done, commencing with the point of interest, the masses put in bigly, the details worked into them.
  2. The quick strokes of the paddle-wheels whitened the waters;—the sail bellied bigly to the wind.
  3. He was well made, cleanly and bigly, and neither too young nor too old.
  4. Though thin, the man was bigly built, with broad shoulders and well-developed limbs, measuring a trifle under six feet in height.
  5. A Beelzebub; he spake as bigly and fiercely as a soaken yeoman at an election feast,—this obedient and conducible youth!