bigarade / ˌbɪg əˈreɪd, ˌbi gəˈrɑd; French bi gaˈrad /


bigarade2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural bi·ga·rades [big-uh-reydz, -rahdz; French bee-ga-rad]. /ˌbɪg əˈreɪdz, -ˈrɑdz; French bi gaˈrad/.

  1. a Seville or bitter orange.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. French Cooking. prepared with bitter oranges: duck bigarade.


  1. Score the skin, and dish the fillets in a circle with a little Bigarade sauce poured over them.
  2. The next quality, "neroli bigarade," is derived from the blossoms of the Citrus bigaradia, or Seville orange.
  3. Neroli Bigarade oil, distilled from the fresh blossoms of the bitter orange, Citrus bigaradia.