bigamous / ˈbɪg ə məs /


bigamous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having two wives or husbands at the same time; guilty of bigamy.
  2. involving bigamy.


  1. Grayson is the second prominent Democrat in the past two centuries to be accused of being in a bigamous marriage.
  2. We can do no more, save humbly to recommend your Majesty to enforce the rigours of the law against this bigamous female.'
  3. For unless the indictment sets forth a valid prior marriage it is obvious that the subsequent marriage cannot be bigamous.
  4. Smethursts victim was a Miss Bankes, with whom he had contracted a bigamous marriage.
  5. A bigamous marriage, by the ecclesiastical law of England, is simply void.
  6. Every man to his trade, cries the bigamous cobbler, with shell-bark resonance, and tenaciously sticks to his last.