bicycle / ˈbaɪ sɪ kəl, -ˌsɪk əl, -ˌsaɪ kəl /


bicycle3 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a vehicle with two wheels in tandem, usually propelled by pedals connected to the rear wheel by a chain, and having handlebars for steering and a saddlelike seat.
v. 无主动词 verb

bi·cy·cled, bi·cy·cling.

  1. to ride a bicycle.
v. 有主动词 verb

bi·cy·cled, bi·cy·cling.

  1. to ship or transport directly by bicycle or other means.

bicycle 近义词

n. 名词 noun

pedal-driven recreational vehicle

bicycle 的近义词 6


  1. Kick scooters are often more portable than a standard bicycle or electric scooter and definitely less expensive than a car or frequent rideshares.
  2. Those are affordable prices for a quality bicycle and damn great for an e-bike but, in real economic terms, still serious money.
  3. It’s like a race pitting a horse against a car against an airplane against a bicycle.
  4. The one that is that is the top end of the skill spectrum is bicycle racing.
  5. E-bike sales have more than doubled since January, outpacing even huge sales growth in conventional bicycles.
  6. As I was coming out, my sister [Valerie] tugged on me and said, ‘That’s the boy who kicked me off my bicycle.
  7. So I went home—we only lived about a quarter mile away—and I got on my bicycle and rode back, and he was in the donut shop.
  8. The street is closed to traffic and kids run unfettered across inviting hopscotch squares and bicycle lanes.
  9. Two of the recruits have admitted to two sexual assaults and a bicycle theft in Market Square right at the center of the old town.
  10. Bicycle riders are prudent to fear being clipped by a passing car.
  11. The youth nearly fell off the bicycle, but British doggedness saved him from disaster.
  12. The bicycle courier receives a fee very thankfully and no doubt this constitutes his chief source of revenue for service rendered.
  13. Manufacture of the motorcycle upon a commercial scale forthwith commenced in the bicycle manufactory at Springfield, Mass.
  14. Along in the late nineties a keen interest in bicycle racing led to the introduction of what is known as the motor-paced tandem.
  15. Plainly everything after “bicycle” is nothing to the present purpose and should be excluded.