bichloride / baɪˈklɔr aɪd, -ɪd, -ˈkloʊr- /


bichloride 的定义

n. 名词 noun



  1. Wash the hands in bichloride solution after visiting a case, and do not touch the door-knob or things in the room.
  2. Formalin is the best disinfectant for wall-paper unless the child has spat upon it—then use the bichloride.
  3. You must then wet with bichloride everything the child has touched, and boil all eating utensils.
  4. Sometimes the bichloride will not injure the wall-paper, but if there are gilt figures upon it these will be blackened.
  5. If you determine to have the room repapered, wet it with bichloride before you bring in the workmen.