betty / ˈbɛt i /


betty 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural bet·ties.


  1. In that capacity, she was said to appear on his arm more often than even her mother, Betty.
  2. Physical is part of this shift, with characters ranging from the monstrous Sheila to the mutually supportive all-girl skate crew in HBO’s Betty replacing the two-dimensional girlboss ideal to create a fuller picture of female power.
  3. The skater girls of Betty unite to hold space in a male-dominated scene.
  4. Brack and his wife, Betty, raised two sons, Mark and Bob, who grew up exploring the family’s untamed forests.
  5. Then, when quarantine orders were handed down in mid-March, Betty worried about Peter’s safety.
  6. Tarantino wrote it there over several months in his hotel, as well as the “coffee shop” Betty Boop.
  7. He loves Betty Jane Greer because of her “great sense of the ridiculous.”
  8. Betty Friedan put the feelings of our mothers to words, publishing The Feminine Mystique.
  9. The tabloid battle between the sweet blonde and the brunette vixen played out like an issue of Betty and Veronica on crack.
  10. Refined, elegant, and to the manor born, Betty is everything that Don is not.
  11. But, oddly enough, as he walked back to the hotel it was just Betty Lardner who made him think again of the legend.
  12. After tea Betty executed a quite deliberate manœuvre to avoid having him for a partner at tennis.
  13. Early in February he was invited for a week's hunting to a house at which Betty Lardner was also a guest.
  14. She's done got a pow'ful quick tempah, my Miss Betty has, same's all my Somerset family had, bein' fust quality folks lak dey was.
  15. Four of the ten days had passed before Betty Lardner ran across him on the promenade.