beget 的定义
be·got or be·gat; be·got·ten or be·got; be·get·ting.
- to procreate or generate.
- to cause; produce as an effect: a belief that power begets power.
beget 近义词
create, bear
- Meanwhile, accusations of bullying have begotten accusations of counter-bullying.
- Because money begets money, billionaires such as Bezos—and even some who are trying a little harder to give it away—struggle to make a dent in their wealth.
- Zoonosis begets reverse zoonosis, which can, in turn, come back around to zoonosis again.
- This achievement obsession can also beget greed, causing those who are prosperous high achievers to believe they are the elect.
- At least the favorites should have an opportunity to beget some inky foals.
- A society which is willing to accept increasing levels of violence is a society that will beget more of it.
- An interest in fashion also seems to beget an assumption of selfishness and mean-spiritedness.
- While some may say that our exploding obesity epidemic is a hyperbole, fat does beget fat.
- This year, however, risk has returned to broadcast television—now will it actually beget innovation?
- This year, risk has returned to broadcast television—now will it actually beget innovation?
- Marriage will not cure hysteria,—the worst cases are married women, and they beget other hysterics in spreading succession.
- Were it not for the existence of passions no one would build a house, marry a wife, beget children, or do any work.
- The tendency of the American system, on the other hand, is to beget a spirit of routine and to check productivity.
- But the power of Number, hypostatically existing within it, divided it, and made it beget the manifold.
- Of which soul are these reasons,79 which do not beget the man (though they do beget the animal), then the actualization?