bedside / ˈbɛdˌsaɪd /


bedside2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the side of a bed, especially as the place of one attending the sick.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. at or for a bedside: a bedside table.


  1. Shuttling from bedside to the laboratory and back, he determined that his leukemia patients lacked sufficient platelets, the disk-shaped components of blood that facilitate clotting.
  2. Ten minutes later, they were back at the bedside of patients, most of whom were sick and dying, offering comfort as best they could with smiles on their faces.
  3. Smart technology can be programmed into bedside lights to support and promote our relaxation and well being, and trick our bodies back into more natural rhythms.
  4. The floors are concrete, the oxygen delivered to each bedside in copper pipes exposed along makeshift walls.
  5. So we had to manually turn on our bedside lights because Google Home was also down.
  6. He kept his iPhone by his bedside and would draw the dawn using the Brushes app.
  7. She also advises finding a doctor and a bedside nurse who are comfortable with the procedure.
  8. She had been there as my mother and I sat with him around the clock, sleeping by his bedside, anxiously checking his vitals.
  9. McDonald kept the image in his heart of Bucca at his hospital bedside.
  10. Bucca ignored what must have been excruciating pain as he made his way to the bedside of Police Officer Steven McDonald.
  11. Have you any knowledge as to how many visits this doctor made to the bedside of this girl when she was sick?
  12. Tim, with face flushed and hands outstretched in protest, arose from his chair and went to the bedside.
  13. The minister of his village is at his bedside, preparing him by pious exhortations for the great journey.
  14. The future famous savant (Desplein) watched by his bedside at the last and closed his eyes.
  15. "I was one day called to the bedside of an old farmer who was dangerously ill," said the doctor to me.