beady / ˈbi di /


beady 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

bead·i·er, bead·i·est.

  1. beadlike; small, globular, and glittering: beady eyes.
  2. covered with or full of beads.


  1. Common wisdom holds that this long-tailed rodent will snatch your diamond rings and gold watches, your loose change and car keys, and hoard them in glistening stockpiles like some miniature, beady-eyed dragon.
  2. She went outside to her yard and saw hundreds of beady-eyed insects enrobed in a thick shell of gold emerging out of the ground and crawling up the trees.
  3. Pavlovic submitted a sketch that captured the creature’s spooky aesthetic, right down to its beady eyes and the fabric-like swirls of its outfit.
  4. He would speak too close to you, his voice a monotone rattle sliding out from his endlessly smirking mouth, his beady dead eyes staring from under bushy eyebrows and over a nose like a hatchet.
  5. It’s the stuttering, beady-eyed performances of some of the characters.
  6. He agreed, and I could almost feel his beady little eyes going ‘KERCHING!’
  7. A tiny spaniel lay beside the fire, his beady black eyes following the nervous movements of the master of the house.
  8. But as he turned toward the door she caught a glimpse of a glossy black mustache, and two beady black eyes.
  9. Then its cold, beady eyes were fixed on Dick and it uttered a vicious hiss.
  10. For out of the box glided a real, live snake, fully three feet long, and with beady and dangerous looking eyes!
  11. Don't thet beady-eyed greaser's gall make you want to spit all over yourself?