bauxite / ˈbɔk saɪt, ˈboʊ zaɪt /


bauxite 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a rock consisting of aluminum oxides and hydroxides with various impurities: the principal ore of aluminum.


  1. Locals described the flood of sludge, a byproduct from refining bauxite rock for industrial powder, as a “mini-tsunami.”
  2. Bauxite or aluminum ore is mined in France, and 60 per cent.
  3. Bauxite, hydrated alumina, is also used for the same purpose—that is, for the preparation of sulphate of alumina.
  4. Alumina as a refractory material is chiefly used in the form of bauxite, but its applications are somewhat special.
  5. Aluminum is now made from a mineral called "bauxite," found chiefly in Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas.
  6. Bauxite is a rather mischievous mineral and sometimes acts as if it delighted in playing tricks upon managers of mines.