battlefield / ˈbæt lˌfild /


battlefield 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the field or ground on which a battle is fought.
  2. an area of contention, conflict, or hostile opposition: During that era the classroom became a battlefield of incompatible ideologies.

battlefield 近义词

n. 名词 noun

location of military fights


  1. Treating PTSD requires re-creating battlefield aromas, for example, while firefighters might train in smoke-scented simulations.
  2. Especially on the battlefield, that kind of thing is just absolutely bread and butter.
  3. In other words, our immune response depends on how many soldiers the vaccine brings to the battlefield.
  4. MacMillan synthesizes a vast body of literature about war, from battlefield accounts to theories of war, and she shows how new technologies and weaponry have repeatedly changed the course of history.
  5. The Park Service also protects a large number of historic battlefields, historic sites, and military parks, leaving no shortage of places where you can explore and pay tribute on this day.
  6. So however detailed the statistics of the battlefield are, they cannot achieve the goal.
  7. The “tactical” side of artillery—its use on a battlefield—was something Jackson was not called upon to explain.
  8. For 50 years, this city that once graced postcards has been a battlefield.
  9. Despite its recent gains on the battlefield, the fight against rebel brigades has taken a significant toll on the government army.
  10. By one account, it aided U.S. troops in capturing or killing at least ten of those senior leaders from the battlefield.
  11. Rapidity of action and a self-confidence which on the battlefield never felt itself beaten were the cause of Murat's success.
  12. Pultusk and Eylau bore witness to his bravery and address on the battlefield, and Napoleon began to relent.
  13. The first thought of a soldier as he sinks dying or wounded on the battlefield is of home and the loved ones.
  14. The town itself was used as a battlefield and many of the individual houses were completely destroyed.
  15. Because of its recumbent position, symbolic of General Lee resting on a battlefield cot, this statue is considered most unique.