basswood / ˈbæsˌwʊd /


basswood 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any tree of the genus Tilia, especially T. americana, the American linden, having drooping branches and large, toothed, ovate leaves.
  2. the wood of a linden.


  1. From the basswood, he made a strong harness for the dogs, so that they could draw the load of game back to the camp for him.
  2. The blades, Fig. 3, are made of thin basswood or hard maple, and each is fastened in its place by means of two 3/8-in.
  3. All structural timbers and poles were fastened by tying with ropes of raw hide or of basswood or elm fiber.
  4. We would cut the basswood chunks about a foot long as it was a very straight wood, soft and wonderful to split for kindling.
  5. Finally he swam underneath the flock, caught several by the feet, and tied them to his belt with withes of basswood bark.