basso-relievo / ˈbæs oʊ rɪˈli voʊ /


basso-relievo 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural bas·so-re·lie·vos.


  1. But for Basso (Super 8), keeping a straight face during these scenes was easier said then done.
  2. Basso said Alleman had a genetic predisposition for cardiac problems, as both of his parents died of heart attacks in their 50s.
  3. "He lived a very full life," said Basso, who seemed shaken when reached by phone Monday evening.
  4. Basso recalled Alleman as a fun-loving man who loved the Heart Attack Grill.
  5. Dmitri had been a basso profundo singer, and to this day retains a commanding voice as well as a keen ear.
  6. He passed them by, and haughty tenor and swaggering basso again took heart of grace.
  7. She stood by the gate and pumped up basso-profundo bawls from her second or lower stomach.
  8. Truth and sincerity staring out upon you perpetually in alto relievo.
  9. For him Gibson executed a basso rilievo in terra-cotta, now in the Liverpool museum.
  10. The inner apartments are much the same as the portico, all covered with figures in basso relievo.