barefaced / ˈbɛərˌfeɪst /


barefaced 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. with the face uncovered.
  2. shameless; impudent; audacious: a barefaced lie.
  3. without concealment or disguise; boldly open: a barefaced approach.

barefaced 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective

shameless; open


  1. A current promotion featuring a barefaced couple frolicking on the beach includes a free fourth night and an antigen test.
  2. He took the barefaced girl under his wing, taught her new tricks—and then exploited her trust in him.
  3. A distinguished wag about town says, the head coverings the ladies wear now-a-days, are barefaced false hoods.
  4. At this impudent and barefaced falsehood, the agent was tongue-tied, but he turned to Hank.
  5. "No; you didn't," said the boy, angered at this barefaced attempt to place him in a false position.
  6. It must be admitted that the diplomacy of the sixteenth century was sufficiently barefaced in its impostures.
  7. This bungling, barefaced attempt to destroy the steamer touched Mayo's pride as deeply as it stirred his wrath.