barbu / bɑrˈbu /


barbu 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a threadfin, Polydactylus virginicus, inhabiting western Atlantic coastal waters.


  1. By means of the help brought by these, we were enabled to find the meaning of those words in which Barbu failed in his Spanish.
  2. But really, Barbu, it was only right that you should live in comfort, for none knew better than you how to appreciate it!
  3. Of course, Barbu and Crafleux would have repudiated such methods with disgust.
  4. And on the cover Barbu had written in his neatest hand and best French, "Sacrifice to the invisible spirits."
  5. Tears stood in Barbu's eyes, and through this sentimental haze he saw his wife receiving French soldiers.