barbel / ˈbɑr bəl /


barbel 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a slender, external process on the jaw or other part of the head of certain fishes.
  2. any of various cyprinoid fishes of the genus Barbus, especially B. barbus, of European waters.

barbel 近义词


等同于 feeler


  1. In the former are several varieties, and some of enormous size, resembling the barbel.
  2. Barbel, roach, club, and gudgeon are plentiful round the Bell Weir; and trout are often taken.
  3. Head, about one-fifth the whole length; snout, very blunt, with a small barbel on the lower lip.
  4. Each maxillary is provided with a small barbel; and the gill-covers are armed with short stiff spines.
  5. Though called the salmon of India, the mahseer is really a species of barbel.