bandy-bandy / ˈbæn diˌbæn di /


bandy-bandy 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural ban·dy-ban·dies.

  1. a small venomous snake, Vermicella annulata, inhabiting New South Wales, marked with black and white bands.


  1. Physicists bandy around concepts like supersymmetry, technicolor, and extra dimensions.
  2. You bandy contradictory allegations; you no longer believe each other; you must appeal to a third party.
  3. Anyway he stuck his head up and tried to catch a light without stopping his bandy.
  4. The epithets are carefully arranged up a scale until they reach bandy-legged—an utterly unpardonable insult.
  5. I flung Bandy Jim a piece of gold and told him I would see him again.
  6. Bandy Jim did not wait for the eager question on the tip of my tongue.