balsam / ˈbɔl səm /


balsam 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of various fragrant exudations from certain trees, especially trees of the genus Commiphora, as balm-of-Gilead.Compare balm.
  2. the similar products yielded by the leguminous trees Myroxylon pereirae and M. balsamum, of South America.Compare Peru balsam, tolu.
  3. oleoresin.
  4. any of certain transparent turpentines, as Canada balsam.
  5. a plant or tree yielding a balsam.
  6. balsam fir.
  7. any of several plants belonging to the genus Impatiens, as I. balsamina, a common garden annual.Compare balsam family.
  8. any aromatic ointment for ceremonial or medicinal use.
  9. any agency that heals, soothes, or restores: the balsam of understanding and appreciation.

balsam 近义词


等同于 balm


  1. On the way down he identifies trees by which needles are best to sleep on: Balsam fir is good.
  2. Martin Balsam and Diane Cilento and all the good people are holed up in a shack at the top of the hill.
  3. Balsam boughs were gathered for the bed and some firewood collected; then we went down stream to fish and explore.
  4. A vulnerary balsam invented by Guy, of Caliac, once in great repute, but now obsolete.
  5. Its medicinal qualities are intermediate to those of the aromatic turpentines and balsam of tolu.
  6. Castor oil may be detected in the way noticed under Balsam of Peru.
  7. Of the nature of balsam, or containing or resembling it; bland, soothing, healing; balmy.