ballata / bəˈlɑ tə /


ballata 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural bal·la·te [buh-lah-tey]. /bəˈlɑ teɪ/.

  1. a 14th-century Italian verse form composed of stanzas beginning and ending with a refrain, often set to music and accompanied by dancing.


  1. Rossetti's translation of the ripresa and second stanza of the Ballata Perch'i' no spero di tornar giammai.
  2. It will be noticed that the Maggio is built, so far as rhymes go, on the same system as Poliziano's Ballata.
  3. The same lady is more directly celebrated in the next Ballata, where Poliziano calls her by her name, Ippolita.
  4. The next Ballata is less simple, but is composed with the same intention.
  5. It was this same ballata, which had grown very popular, that the sailor had sung before Miss Lydia.