baldachin / ˈbæl də kɪn, ˈbɔl- /


baldachin 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also baudekin. Textiles. a silk brocade interwoven with gold or silver threads, used chiefly for ceremonial purposes.
  2. Architecture. a permanent ornamental canopy, as above a freestanding altar or throne.
  3. a portable canopy carried in religious processions.

baldachin 近义词


等同于 canopy

baldachin 的近义词 6

等同于 ceiling


  1. Under the baldachin hovered a gilded Cupid, spotted and faded, with his arrow aimed at the bed.
  2. His peculiar use of a very stiff baldachin made people say that he was a master of Raphael.
  3. I take the shrine to be a work of the thirteenth century, though the baldachin is no doubt of later date.
  4. Then he took his stand in front of the theatrical chair under the faded baldachin, and sucked at his upper lip.
  5. From the coffered ceiling hangs the metal baldachin, like a precious lantern's chain without a lamp.