balbriggan / bælˈbrɪg ən /


balbriggan 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a plain-knit cotton fabric, used especially in hosiery and underwear.


  1. The factory girl has taken to silk stockings and fine lingerie and the lady to Balbriggan and calico.
  2. Six changes of underwear—merino or wool—and a dozen balbriggan or woolen hose will be sufficient.
  3. James Smith, an Englishman, had cotton manufactories at Balbriggan; he wished to extend them.
  4. She steps over the stile and her shin defines itself through her balbriggan stocking.
  5. I received you letter and the pretty Balbriggan stockings, for which I thank you very much, quite safely.