bah / bɑ, bæ /


bah 的定义

interj. 感叹词 interjection
  1. : Bah! Humbug!


  1. Chernon Bah, co-founder of A World at School, was alarmed by what she witnessed recently in Sierra Leone.
  2. What is best for both sides is not a kum-bah-yah common-ground fest, but a better conflict.
  3. Finding that the wire fence would not yield she said "Bah-wah" and started in another direction.
  4. She is as rotten and ricketty as an old tub; and very little—Bah!
  5. The general housework servant has already been referred to as a Pooh Bah in petticoats.
  6. "I ask him if he blease tell me vere I can get a picture of dot Bah, und he get madt right avay quvick," explained the Teuton.
  7. But even as the Tinkletown Pooh-Bah posed in restful supremacy there were rushing down upon him affairs of the epoch-making kind.