backside-front / ˈbækˌsaɪdˈfrʌnt /


backside-front 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb


  1. I was drawn to The Class for different reasons—chiefly, the pipe dream of achieving a tighter and tauter backside.
  2. In front of this strange structure are two blank-faced, well-dressed models showing off the latest in European minimalism.
  3. As the protagonist gets herself off in front of her impotent husband, she moans “Oh, Gronky.”
  4. Granted, James is in an office in the Pentagon, and not on the front lines.
  5. The next phase of the trial consists of vaccinating Ebola workers on the front lines.
  6. Then there was Wee Wo,—he was a little Chinese chap, and we used to send him down the chimneys to open front doors for us.
  7. Off went the officers again, some distance to the front, and then back again to their men, and got them on a little further.
  8. The doors (Indian bungalows have hardly any windows, each door being half glass) were open front and back.
  9. She got up and stood in front of the fire, having her hand on the chimney-piece and looking down at the blaze.
  10. Then they all passed out through the great front door to the wide old veranda.