backache / ˈbækˌeɪk /


backache 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a pain, especially in the lumbar region of the back, usually caused by the strain of a muscle or ligament.


  1. Her doctor had recommended she sit at specific angles while she pumped—“to let gravity do its thing”—but those positions caused her such intense backaches that she couldn’t do basic things like carrying her baby.
  2. It may seem absurd that it had taken a backache to make Elliott visualize what her cousins were really doing on their farm.
  3. Such a position is injurious to the breasts, hurtful to the woman's figure, and apt to cause backache.
  4. Can one rave over Vesuvius on an empty stomach, or get all the beauty out of Sorrento with a backache?
  5. In these disorders there is always fever and often backache, and general soreness in the muscles.
  6. Now it was the ailments that we have always with us: backache, headache, indigestion and always the magnificent promise.