bacillary / ˈbæs əˌlɛr i, bəˈsɪl ə ri /


bacillary 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Also ba·cil·li·form [buh-sil-uh-fawrm]. /bəˈsɪl əˌfɔrm/. of or like a bacillus; rod-shaped.
  2. Bacteriology. characterized by bacilli.


  1. Tuberculous disease of joints results from bacillary infection through the arteries.
  2. Through the summer and autumn many cases of diarrhœa and of both amœbic and bacillary dysentery made their appearance.
  3. It was mainly what is called bacillary dysentery, for which Epsom salts is one of the best remedies.
  4. Next Purkinje's figures, or shadows cast by the blood-vessels of the middle layer upon the bacillary layer of the retina.
  5. Next is the bacillary layer which lines about five-sixths of the interior surface of the eye.