azotic / əˈzɒt ɪk, eɪˈzɒt- /


azotic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to azote; nitric.


  1. Forbid azotic acid to boil at the freezing temperature, and command water to boil at zero.
  2. Cyrus Harding then took two slips of zinc, one of which was plunged into azotic acid, the other into a solution of potash.
  3. This taste is caused by the azotic acid formed from the oxygen and azote of the atmosphere.
  4. This was ascribed to the union of the azotic part of the atmosphere with the effused pus in Sect.
  5. The other faces of the cube or cylinder of copper used are coated, and the copper placed in a bath of azotic acid.