autocomplete / ˌɔ toʊ kəmˈplit /


autocomplete2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

Also Au·to·Com·plete .

  1. a feature of a word processor, email program, web browser, etc., that automatically predicts the remaining characters in a word or phrase based on what has been typed or input before: If you supply the information, your browser will be able to use autocomplete to fill out online forms.
v. 有主动词 verb

au·to·com·plet·ed, au·to·com·plet·ing.

  1. to complete, as in a name, address, or password, or fill in: The virtual keyboard on my mobile phone amazingly autocompletes most of what I want to type!Filling out forms is so much easier when the computer autocompletes them for you.


  1. The autocomplete functionality tied to each command line tool can be tweaked to your liking and shared with the wider community.
  2. That’s an improvement on an earlier iteration called Copilot, a kind of autocomplete for coders released as a product on Github, which had a success rate of 27 percent.
  3. I would go out on a limb and say I now use autocomplete more than not.
  4. Again, credit to the impressive product Google has built, but autocomplete certainly impacts how people search in bulk.
  5. That is remarkable, but I wonder how much of that is influenced less by synchronization, and more by autocomplete.