auteur 的定义
plural au·teurs [oh-turz; French oh-tœr]. /oʊˈtɜrz; French oʊˈtœr/.
- a filmmaker whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give a film its personal and unique stamp.
- Among them is the fantasy epic Princess Mononoke, written and directed by the renowned auteur Hayao Miyazaki.
- After all, the director is the central, guiding agent of filmmaking, the one with the imaginative vision and the power to implement it, the auteur to whom the picture’s success or failure — artistic, if not commercial — is to be attributed.
- The acclaimed auteur spoke to Marlow Stern about a month ago on how cable TV is the new arthouse.
- For stars, though, the fall of the comedy auteur means that the margin of error between a hit and a farrago is razor thin.
- But Noah is something different: a big, risky bet on a talented auteur.
- They seemed very much like auteur works—but the auteur works of a writer, not the auteur works of a director.
- But apparently the studio is aware of a possibility that its auteur prefers to ignore.
- Diderot says "Il lisait et tudiait partout, je l'ai moi-mme rencontr sur les grandes routes avec un auteur rabinnique la main."
- Ook de stijl van de auteur in het gebruik van aanhalingstekens is niet gewijzigd.
- Or cet auteur, il est deux cent lieues de la Saxe, il ignore la langue et il ne s'est jamais appliqu l'histoire de l'Allemagne.
- Craignez tout d'un auteur en courroux—Fear 35 the worst from an enraged author.
- Souvent la perfidie retourne sur son auteur—Treachery often recoils on the head of its author.