aureolin / ɔˈri ə lɪn, əˈri- /


aureolin 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a pigment used in painting, consisting of potassium cobaltinitrite and characterized by its brilliant yellow hue, transparency, and permanence.


  1. Of these colours, Aureolin is the most expensive, but it is a very beautiful colour, and has the advantage of being permanent.
  2. Several most valuable colours have lately claimed attention, notably the permanent transparent yellow called Aureolin.
  3. With this and Aureolin a series of beautiful foliage tints may be formed, sparkling with sunshine, as it were.
  4. Pale cadmium yellow with or without aureolin, is adapted for golden sunsets, and yields with French blue a beautiful sea-green.
  5. To our knowledge, aureolin is quite uninjured by the severest tests to which a pigment can be subjected.