Saint, a.d. 354–430, one of the Latin fathers in the early Christian Church; author; bishop of Hippo in N Africa.
Saint,Austin, died a.d. 604, Roman monk: headed group of missionaries who landed in England a.d. 597 and began the conversion of the English to Christianity; first archbishop of Canterbury 601–604.
Augustine-based Postal Fleet Services, which has worked with the agency for nearly two decades, cited the proprietary mileage-tracking system in an ongoing payment dispute claim it filed with the agency.
Plus, Augustine said, school officials traveled to reach parents where they were, visiting places including churches.
Augustine did report several coronavirus cases in the 2020-2021 school year.
Augustine’s collection of vintage bottles numbers in the thousands, and every night it’s got a half dozen or so bottles open by the glass — an extraordinary educational opportunity for anyone looking to experience vintage wine firsthand.
In his City of God, Augustine was quite clear that in the hereafter humans would no longer need bathroom breaks.
Sorry Augustine, Aquinas, Dante, and Erasmus you must have been just a bad dream.
St. Augustine, for instance, did not believe the Earth was “really” created in seven “actual” days.
Augustine told me that a university official said they were treating the list like regular graffiti.
Sean Augustine, the editor of the Columbia Lion, told me janitors were taking down the lists almost as soon as they went up.
Here, in the year 600, St. Augustine preached before the cathedral was built.
We have already seen the very strong opinion entertained on this subject by Jerome, the contemporary of Augustine.
Over one hundred panegyrics of various saints written by St. Augustine are still extant.
St. Augustine complains of certain vagabond monks who went about selling relics of the martyrs, if indeed martyrs they were.
It is, in my opinion, very singular that Bayle should pretend to be more severe than St. Augustine.