aubergine / ˈoʊ bərˌʒin, -ˌdʒin, ˈoʊ bɛr-; ˌoʊ bərˈʒin, -ˈdʒin, ˌoʊ bɛr- /


aubergine 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Chiefly British. eggplant.
  2. a dark purplish color.


  1. “Hillary also looked beautiful in that aubergine dress,” he said.
  2. Big aubergine walls and hedges lined the pathways, some 20 feet high.
  3. All the trappings, including saddle and saddle-cloth, in green and aubergine.
  4. Just above, inside a building, which is of aubergine and green, is a man sorting the rice.
  5. A gold base deeply chiselled in wave-diaper and overrun with a paste of aubergine purple is the most pleasing.
  6. The armour is in green with yellow edgings, belt, &c.; the under-garments in aubergine, and black boots.
  7. Three colours:—green, a curious shade; yellow, varying from pale to bright; aubergine, also varying in tone.