attainder / əˈteɪn dər /


attainder 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the legal consequence of judgment of death or outlawry for treason or felony, involving the loss of all civil rights.
  2. Obsolete. dishonor.


  1. That gentleman had been permitted to pass an act of attainder, which had lain unnoticed on the table for six weeks.
  2. His attainder, and that of his family, together with the forfeiture of his lands, was then pronounced.
  3. In 1759 his attainder was reversed, but he continued to live abroad.
  4. The charge of high treason could not be legally established, and a bill of attainder was passed against him in 1645.
  5. Dare you put eight and twenty millions of men into your bill of attainder?