atheism / ˈeɪ θiˌɪz əm /


atheism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
  2. disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.

atheism 近义词

n. 名词 noun

belief that no god exists


  1. They include unexpected details, such as where Burke was conceived or how psychedelic artist Alex Grey’s first LSD trip converted him from atheism to “radical transcendentalism.”
  2. Consider that if you had a simple nighttime dream in which you met God, you’d be more likely to wake up, shake your head, and tell the story as a funny anecdote than you’d be to ditch your atheism.
  3. He defied the atheism of communism and the empty religious practices of Putinism.
  4. Atheism is highest in Europe, where there are established churches involved in the political process.
  5. She is not public about her atheism, just as many of us are not public about our faith.
  6. They all encourage her to spin her atheism into some form of belief.
  7. In many ways, she seems a lock for the win, but her atheism puts her entire character in question.
  8. A little or superficial knowledge may incline a man's mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth him back to religion.
  9. He may, perhaps, be unhappy in his atheism, and wish to hear all my arguments to enable him the better to arrive at the truth.
  10. The speculating atheist, the theist will tell us, may be an honest man, but his writings will cause atheism in politics.
  11. So atheism, and the disbelief of the existence of the soul after death, characterized that materialism.
  12. His uncompromising atheism is the very heart and core of his system and clarifies the whole situation.