astrologer / əˈstrɒl ə dʒi /


astrologer 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the study that assumes and attempts to interpret the influence of the heavenly bodies on human affairs.
  2. Obsolete. the science of astronomy.

astrologer 近义词

n. 名词 noun



  1. Nevertheless, he is pretty famous, supposedly having authored thousands of books, focusing on alchemy but also exploring astronomy and astrology, medicine, cosmology and a lot of other fields of early medieval science.
  2. Wellness offerings such as tarot reading, astrology reading, and wellness coaching may take place virtually on-site, or outdoors with social distancing and masks.
  3. “The last thing we need is another layer,” says astrologer Miller.
  4. We had the better team and anyhow our astrologer had picked the day.
  5. This was the point of compass revealed by the astrologer as most favourable to the young candidate for manly honours.
  6. Michael Nostrodamus died; an able French physician and celebrated astrologer.
  7. We also see whence Chaucer derived his epithet of the cock—'common astrologer'—in Troilus, iii.
  8. The page, the people, the pilgrim, and the astrologer again sing in a sort of operatic ensemble their various emotions.
  9. Had an astrologer who foretells the future come forth to read the story differently, Cattledon would have turned a deaf ear.