asthenopia / ˌæs θəˈnoʊ pi ə /


asthenopia 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. a fatigue or tiring of the eyes, usually characterized by discomfort, dimness of vision, and headache, caused by overuse of the visual organs, dysfunction of the ocular muscles, and incorrect refraction.


  1. Asthenopia, which occurs in children in connection with hypermetropia, is nearly always accompanied by defective vision.
  2. Yet still more is this the case with those disorders, of which muscular asthenopia may be supposed to be the cause.
  3. Muscular asthenopia undoubtedly occurs; it is only a question whether it is as frequent as it is diagnosed.
  4. Notwithstanding the existence of a considerable preponderance of the externi, muscular asthenopia may be entirely absent.
  5. The diagnosis of accommodative asthenopia is as a rule confirmed ex juvantibus; this cannot be asserted for the muscular form.