asterism / ˈæs təˌrɪz əm /


asterism 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Astronomy. a group of stars.a constellation.
  2. Mineralogy. a property of some crystallized minerals of showing a starlike luminous figure in transmitted light or, in a cabochon-cut stone, by reflected light.
  3. three asterisks printed to draw attention to a passage it precedes.


  1. On p. 291, the asterism (three asterisks forming a triangle) is represented simply three asterisks.
  2. In this noble asterism the figure of a giant ascending a slope can be readily discerned when the constellation is due south.
  3. This asterism was confessedly first taken notice of by Perez or Perseus, by which is meant the Persians.
  4. In memorial of this altar an Asterism was formed in the Sphere, denominated βωμος, ara.
  5. The principal stars of this asterism are of the third magnitude, with the exception of α, which is of the first.