aspirate / verb ˈæs pəˌreɪt; noun, adjective, ˈæs pər ɪt /


aspirate3 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

as·pi·rat·ed, as·pi·rat·ing.

  1. Phonetics. to articulate so as to produce an audible puff of breath, as with the first t of total, the second t being articulate with an h-sound, as in which, pronounced, or hitch as opposed to witch or itch.
  2. Medicine/Medical. to remove from a body cavity by use of an aspirator or suction inhale into the bronchi and lungs, often after vomiting.
  3. to draw or remove by suction.
n. 名词 noun
  1. Phonetics. a speech sound having as an obvious concomitant an audible puff of breath, as initial stop consonants or initial h-sounds.
  2. Medicine/Medical. the substance or contents that have been aspirated.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. Phonetics. pronounced with or accompanied by aspiration; aspirated.


  1. Some operate like bellows, creating an accordion-like sound as they aspirate.
  2. Bottle propping and speed-feeding gruel causes them to choke and aspirate their food—sometimes causing pneumonia and death.
  3. It may be preceded by the aspirate h, or by some consonant, as may be thought necessary.
  4. Penty Hook is the common pronunciation, and if without the aspirate, so much the nearer local correctness.
  5. Proceeding as before, aspirate a volume of serum into the capillary stem up to the level of the pencil mark.
  6. Take another similarly prepared pipette and aspirate into it equal volumes of washed cells, bacterial emulsion and pooled serum.
  7. In emptying itself the aspirator bottle will aspirate 10 litres of air slowly through the water in the Erlenmeyer flask.