artichoke / ˈɑr tɪˌtʃoʊk /


artichoke 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a tall, thistlelike composite plant, Cynara scolymus, native to the Mediterranean region, of which the numerous scalelike bracts and receptacle of the immature flower head are eaten as a vegetable.
  2. the large, rounded, closed flower head itself.
  3. Jerusalem artichoke.


  1. Place the trimmed artichoke petal side down and the peeled stems in the bowl of lemon water to prevent browning.
  2. It’s okay if there is space left in the pot, but the more room you give the artichokes, the more they will expand and flatten as they steam.
  3. This spring, as the saint’s feast day approaches on March 19, I started craving my mother’s stuffed artichokes.
  4. Turns out stuffed artichokes are a bit more nuanced than I expected.
  5. Gather any crumbs on the plate and add them to the artichoke, as well.
  6. Page Six says they dined on mussel soup, crayfish and artichoke risotto at a tony Venetian restaurant.
  7. There, Artichoke interrogation experiments were taking place at a safe house called Haus Waldorf.
  8. The goal of the Artichoke interrogation program, Marks explains, was “modifying behavior through covert means.”
  9. So the next day I went out and I bought a microwave oven and I made an artichoke in the microwave.
  10. Look for endless artichoke fields and grazing roadside cows.
  11. He had never tried to eat an artichoke, and his first essay in this difficult and complex craft was a sad fiasco.
  12. This species of artichoke is more valuable than the common artichoke.
  13. If it were not I, thou knowest, long since thou wouldst have been put ashore, heart of an artichoke—va!
  14. The edible part of a French Artichoke is the base of the scales and the bottom of the artichoke.
  15. Quitch-grass or wiregrass, Burmuda grass, white potato and artichoke are examples of underground stems.