arteriosclerosis / ɑrˌtɪər i oʊ skləˈroʊ sɪs /


arteriosclerosis 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. degenerative changes in the arteries, characterized by thickening of the vessel walls and accumulation of calcium with consequent loss of elasticity and lessened blood flow.


  1. Weils experiments showed that the lime elimination in arteriosclerosis was diminished.
  2. Yet he insists that amorphous phosphorus removes lime from the abnormal lime deposits that occur in arteriosclerosis.
  3. Dr. Nascher declares that he never claimed that amorphous phosphorus will cure arteriosclerosis.
  4. Indeed, the very beginning of arteriosclerosis may thus be diagnosed.
  5. The lesions of arteriosclerosis are of a different character.